Research Interests
My areas of interest are situated at the intersections of language learning, teaching, and assessment. Specifically, I am interested in the role of conversational interaction in language acquisition and development, Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), and the interaction between proficiency levels and developmental stages in SLA in the contexts of globalization, diversity, and computer-mediated communication. I am also interested in research design for causal inference such as interrupted time series and single case experiments.
Current Projects
Metacognitive Instruction in L2 Task Based Interaction
Second language (L2) research has recognized and emphasized the contributive role of conversational interaction for learners’ L2 development (Long, 1996; Mackey, 2012; Mackey & Goo, 2007). Empirical findings suggest that when learners carry out a conversation, they have opportunities to receive comprehensible input, produce output, and receive corrective feedback on their production through the process of negotiation for meaning as they attempt to reach mutual understanding. Although researchers have demonstrated that interaction can facilitate L2 learning (Gass & Mackey, 2006; Keck, Iberri-Shea, Tracy-Ventura, & Wa-Mbaleka, 2006; Mackey & Goo, 2007), learners do not always make use of interactional opportunities arising in conversations to improve their L2 abilities, particularly during peer interaction in foreign language contexts (Adams, 2007; Foster & Ohta, 2005; Toth, 2008; Yoshida, 2008). Therefore, a number of researchers have explored whether learners can be taught to better exploit the developmental opportunities available from peer interaction (Fujii, Ziegler, & Mackey, 2016; Loewen & Sato, 2018; Sato, 2013; Sato & Ballinger, 2012; Sato & Lyster, 2012; Sippel, 2019). Initial findings indicate that following instruction, learners adjusted their behavior to produce more interactional features, thereby increasing their opportunities for L2 development. However, these studies differ considerably in how the interventional program was implemented and how the effects of the treatment were reported, making it difficult to formulate recommendations regarding how and why those metacognitive instructions might be used in the L2 classroom. The current study aims to (1) standardize the training process using the metacognitive framework; (2) identify the training impact on learners’ interactional behaviors and subsequent language development; and (3) consider individual differences and contextual variables that may be mediating the training effects. Results from this study will substantively contribute to the existing literature within the interactionist approach to second language acquisition (SLA), particularly in terms of the theoretical and pedagogical implications for peer corrective feedback in the L2 classroom.
Technology-Mediated Task-Based Interaction and Performance
Research examining interaction and synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC), which refers to real time interaction such as a live chat, suggests positive developmental benefits within technology-supported environments (e.g. Lai & Li, 2011; Sauro, 2011). However, despite the widespread availability and popularity of oral SCMC programs, such as Skype or Google Hangouts, the number of studies investigating these modes remains small (e.g., Jepson, 2005; Lee, 2007; Sykes, 2005; Yanguas, 2012). This project examines the extent to which mode of interaction might differentially impact L2 development and performance. In the first phase of the study, we found that modes of interaction may influence the quantity and quality of learner-interlocutor interaction (Ziegler & Phung, 2019). We are currently examining how different modes of interaction can impact learners’ performance (CALF) and how the pattern is observed in peer interaction.
Research Output
Recent Publications
Hoang, D., Phung, H., & Tran, N. (In press). Profiling digital nativeness of pre-service teachers: Validity evidence for the Vietnamese Digital Natives Assessment Scale (V-DNAS). Interactive Learning Environments (NILE). https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2022.2053167
Ziegler, N., Parlak, Ö., & Phung, H. (2022). Interactionist perspectives and the role of Computer-Mediated Communication in SLA. N. Ziegler, & M. González-Lloret (Eds.), Handbook of SLA and technology. Routledge.
Phung, H., Tran, N., & Hoang, D. (2021). Empowering students with authentic tasks to learn English beyond the classroom: A club-based model. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching. https://doi.org/10.1080/17501229.2021.1998068
Ziegler, N., Moranski, K., Smith, G., & Phung, H. (2020). Metacognitive instruction and interactional feedback in a computer-mediated environment. TESL Canada Journal, 37(2), 210–233. https://doi.org/10.18806/tesl.v37i2.1337
Phung, H., Choe, A., Diez-Ortega, M., Eguchi, M., Holden, D., Mendoza, A., & Nguyen, T. (2020). The Multiʻōlelo initiative for language research communications. Second Language Studies, 38(1), 5–17.
Ziegler, N., & Phung, H. (2019). Technology-mediated task-based interaction: The role of modality. ITL – International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 170(2), 252-277. Doi: 10.1075/itl.19014.zie
Mendoza, A., & Phung, H. (2019). Motivation to learn languages other than English: A critical research synthesis. Foreign Language Annals, 52(1), 121-140. Doi: 10.1111/flan.12380.
Phung, H. (2018). From TBLT to PBLL: An ecological perspective. In U. Le (Ed.). Proceedings 2017: Selected papers from the twenty-first college-wide conference for students in languages, linguistics and literature (NFLRC Research Note #55) (pp. 84-95). Honolulu: University of Hawaiʻi, National Foreign Language Resource Center.
Brown, J. D., Phung, H., Hsu, W., Trace, J., Harsch, K., & Faucette, P. (2018). 2016-2017 English language placement test (ELIPT) revision project. Second Language Studies, 36(2), 1-25.
Phung, H. (2018). Leveraging open educational resources (OER) for secondary English teacher development in Vietnam. English Language Teacher Education and Development (ELTED), 21, 16-21.
Phung, H. (2016). Portfolio assessment in the second/foreign language pedagogy. Hawaii Pacific University TESOL Working Paper Series 14, 90-107.
Phung, H. (2015). Translating formative assessment into ESL/EFL classrooms. The WORD, 25(1), 12-13.
Phung, H. (2016). Motivational profiles of learning multiple foreign languages. Second Language Studies, 34(2), 101-132.
Recent Presentations
Phung, H & Ziegler, N. (Accepted). Metacognitive instruction in technology-mediated task-based interaction. Paper to be presented at the AAAL Conference 2022.
Phung, H (2021, November). Beyond assessment: Learning analytics in the language classroom. Paper to be presented at the AALA 2021 Online Conference .
Phung, H (2021, October). Myths and realities of language learning and implications for ELT. Paper presented at the VietTESOL Convention 2021, Vietnam (Online).
Phung, H (2021, July). Technology-mediated tasks for Vietnamese instruction: Design and implementation. Paper presented at the GUAVA 2021 (Virtual) Workshop and Biennial Meeting.
Phung, H (2021, July). Applying the Four Strands in Southeast Asian language instruction: The case of Vietnamese. Paper presented at the 37th COTSEAL Online Conference.
Phung, H., & Ortega, M., (2021, June). Promoting L2 research visibility and accessibility. Paper presented at the CALICO Virtual Conference.
Phung, H & Mendoza, A. (2020, February). Approaches to L2 motivation studies. Paper presented at the HITESOL Conference, LCC, Hawai’i.
Phung, H. (2019, September). Examining the construct of lexical sophistication in an EAP context. Second Language Research Forum, Michigan (Online).
Phung, H. (2019, August). Task-based needs analysis for an EAP hybrid course. International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching, Ottawa, Canada.
Ziegler, N. & Phung, H. (2018, October). Second language learners’ performance and perceptions: A study of multiple modalities. Second Language Research Forum, Montreal Canada.
Phung, H. (2018, October). The multilingual self: Motivation for learning English and Mandarin simultaneously. Paper presented at the 37th Second Language Research Forum, Montreal Canada.
Brown, J. D., Phung, H., Harsch, K., & Faucette, P. (2018, April). 2017 English Language Placement Test Revision Project. Paper presented at the Spring 2018 Brown Bags. Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI.
Phung, H. (2018, April). Ten principles of project-based language teaching. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Hawai’i Association of Language Teachers Conference. University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI.
Phung, H., Smith, G., & Ziegler, N. (2018, March). The role of task modality in L2 chat: Performance and perceptions. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Chicago
Bach, C., Smith, G., Le, H. Phung, H., & Ziegler, N. (2018, February). What are good tasks? Design TBLT materials for the classroom. Workshop presented at the Hawai’i TESOL conference. Hawaii Tokai International College, Kapolei, Hawaii.
Phung, H. (2018, February). Humanizing the digital classroom: Is it the next of TESOL? Paper presented at the Hawai’i TESOL conference. Hawaii Tokai International College, Kapolei, Hawaii.
Ziegler, N. & Phung, H. (October 2017). Second language learners’ performance and perceptions: A study of multiple modalities. Second Language Research Forum, Columbus, OH.
Ziegler, N., Smith, G., & Phung, H. (May 2017). Noticing, saliency, and the contingency of recasts: The role of modality in SCMC. CALICO, Flagstaff, AZ.
Ziegler, N.,Smith, G., & Phung, H. (April 2017). Task modality, saliency, and the contingency of recasts: Insights on noticing from multiple modalities. International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching, Barcelona, Spain.
Phung, H. (2017, June). The validation of the bilingual aural English vocabulary size test. Paper presented at the 4th Annual International Conference of the Asian Association for Language Assessment (AALA). The Language Training and Testing Center, Taipei.
Phung, H., & Trần, T. N. (2017, May). What does needs analysis say about teachers’ language assessment literacy? Paper presented at the 1st Vietnam Language Assessment Symposium (VLAS). SEAMEO RETRAC, HCM City, Vietnam.
Phung, H. (2017, April). From TBLT to PBLL: An ecological perspective. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Graduate Student Conference of the College of Languages, Linguistics, & Literature. University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Honolulu, HI.
Phung, H. (2016, April). Student empowerment in a community of practice: A case study of Vietnam. Poster presented at the Fulbright Enrichment Seminar. The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Phung, H. (2016, February). Cultivating intercultural competence in project-based language learning. Paper presented at the Hawai’i TESOL conference. Kapiolani Community College, Hawai’i.
Phung, H., & Cunningham, R. (2015, October). Motivation differences between multiple L2s. Paper presented at the 34th Second Language Research Forum. Atlanta, Georgia.
Phung, H. (2015, July). Leveraging open educational resources (OER) for English teacher development. Paper presented at the 7th Engaging with Vietnam Conference. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Interested in collaboration?
Please send me an email at phunghuy (at) hawaii (dot) edu